I would not claim that I know Swedish law, but Norway, Denmark, and Sweden are very similar, and I would trust my personal and financial data in general and if necessary to well established companies there. I think the level of order and organisation that permeates these cultures are quite good.If this is interresting, maybe the following ramble can give you an idea of how we think in Skandinavia... But I warn you, it is a ramble!
An example: a good friend of mine, a business man and former EQ player, moved to the US to start a small business with his wife and kids, while his son was in US on some sort of exchange-student-thing, and from him I got an account of some of the cultural differences.
First culture clash came when he told his banker that he was not expecting to use checks. We haven’t used checks for 20 years.
everybody has online banking, we have a national credit card, and a national automated payment system for monthly payments (that predates online banking), run and supported by all the banks, and it is integrated with our national government-driven 2-factor identificantion system (Nem ID, or Easy ID, that we use in all interactions with all public and many private institutions. All online banking is with Nem ID.
I am required by law to have a bank account where governmental entities can deposit funds (called Nem Konto, guess what that means :-D), and I am required to use Nem ID to receive all communication from governmental institutions, as well as for most governmentally related processes that I parttake in, for example taxes or corona testing.
When I need a test, I go to coronaprover.dk, (corona tests) where I log in with Nem ID, and I can schedule a test for me or my children down to a 10 min interval on any of the test centers in the country. Currently the test capacity is so that I can get a test near me within a day, faster if I am wlling to drive for an hour. Results are available together with all my health data on sundhed.dk (health) within 48 hs. Test centers are open 7 days a week, from early morning to late evening.
All these pages and services are driven by the government, and I trust that our data protection laws keeps the data from being misused. On top of that we have the EU data protection laws...
All these services, healthcare, education, etc is free for every citizen, we pay for it over our huge income taxes, that everybody I have met, conservative or liberal, are quite content with. In Denmark I am a conservative, veteran, upper middle-class type. I think that in the US, many of my views would appear very liberal. It is very confusing. For example, I don’t want to pay less taxes in general, but I want more funds to go to Health Care, Military & Police, Education and Research, and less to people who do not work (I am pro UBI, for example, which is also a bit controversial here). As most fairly well educated danes, I am a heathen. My positions are irelevant (and not particularily well informed), it is just to give you an idea of the contrasts between our cultures. Denmark was the first country in the world to have gay marriage, none in any ends of the political spectrum would ever be against this, it would be absurd to even mention in a political context.
I am just touching the surface here... my point is: there is relatively speaking an extreme trust in the government, and there is a very high level of registration, automation, digitalization, and order. Danes complain if the train is 1-2 minutes late, show up to a social function between 0-15 (not -1, not 16) minutes after the announced start time (my wife is the exception to the rule), plan dinners with friends months ahead of time, happily pay our taxes (we don’t actually pay them, they are deducted from our salaries by the employer, who has to keep track and master quite a complex tax system, and the year after, we get a regulation from the “IRS”, either as a deposit on our Nem Konto, or as an increase in our automated tax payments for the following year, in the case that we own the IRS less than about 6k usd), and in general expect most things to be perfect.
Ombudsman is a danish invention, it it a danish word. We have decent consumer protection, it is quite embedded in everything, but it is far from perfect.
But a quarter pounder is a quarter pounder, no “royale” here!
A large company who misused customers credit cards would be a _huge_ scandal.
TLDR: a scandinavian would likely never fear that a large-ish swedish gaming company would misuse their credit card information. Also, any such misuse would likely be the banks problem, not the card holder, which is likely why automated fraud detection is freakishly good.
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